The long-term success of your business depends upon developing an entrepreneurial mindset with the ability to adapt.
A common misconception that many of us share is the belief that success is a cohesive state of being that we will eventually claim as our own. In other words, we are under the false impression that we will one day take a giant leap from unsuccessful and frustrated to rich, happy and successful. It may surprise you to learn that success is instead a process of making the right choices. It rarely (if ever) happens in one fell swoop. Rather, you go from making mostly poor or destructive choices to making better choices more often. Again, this is a PROCESS. It is virtually impossible to start with a mindset of lack and powerlessness and leap immediately to a mindset of success and accomplishment.
Right now you may be feeling that it will take forever to get where you want to go in your business. You may feel that the challenge is too big, the road is too rocky, and the obstacles are too intimidating. Not so. Luckily for us, this type of process creates its own momentum. We start by making small changes both mentally and physically. We begin strengthening our desire for more, believing in ourselves and our capabilities, and taking small steps toward the lives we truly desire – and BOOM! More and more opportunities begin to appear before us.
1. Stretch Your Comfort Zone
I don’t believe much in getting out of your comfort zone because that’s much too scary for most people. Instead, think about stretching your comfort zone. If your zone is larger, then you can’t possibly be uncomfortable. Ask yourself, “What am I doing in my life now to make myself uncomfortable?” Make a list of areas where you can use a nudge. Then ask, “Why am I in a holding pattern? Stalled or stuck?” Evaluate why you are stuck.
- What are you avoiding?
- Who or what are you not engaging with? Why?
Assess your actions or behaviors. Perhaps a difficult conversation needs to happen, a personal issue, sales skill improvement, etc. You will find so much room for growth by stretching the comfort zone.
2. Check Your Personal Core Values
Think through and compile a list of three core values that define your life (family, ethics, knowledge, peace, etc.). Ask yourself, "what does each of these core values really mean to me? Then ask yourself if you are living these core values or, are they merely sound-good words for you? Next, what is in your way of living the chosen core values? Perhaps you should consider revising your daily work activities, personal actions, sales presentations and marketing so each align with their core values. This is amazing to clarify because you will have a greater purpose in your work, your productivity will improve, and you will be a much happier person.
3. Examine your Circle
Examine the circle of colleagues and partners you have relative to where you are now in your business and personal life. What knowledge are you lacking or support systems are not there? Fill those knowledge or support gaps. Reach out to just one new mentor or learn one new task, software or product to help you get unstuck.
4. Ask yourself some thought-provoking questions
What doesn’t feel good to you
- in your business right now
- in your personal life
- in your health
- in relationships
- in finances?
Why are you tolerating it? Look for support from colleagues and mentors to help you over the hurdle.
5. Set Boundaries
A boundary in its pure definition is limiting or containing. Perhaps this is why people don’t like setting them. They don’t want to feel confined or even isolated. In actuality, boundaries are very freeing. As an owner of several businesses over the years, setting boundaries has become my expertise. You simply have to know when to say yes and when to say no. Help yourself by first asking whether your boundaries are aligned with your goals and core values. You are going to be amazed because the answer usually is that they are not. Now would be the time to set new boundaries and identifying them is fundamental to maintaining personal and career success.
6. Personal Indulgence
it is just as important to take time is "sharpen your ax" as it is to have business and marketing plans, strategies, and systems. This is an old story about two men competing to chop down a tree. One man is frail and this and the other man is tough and brawly. Guess who was the winner? The former of course! The former doesn’t work day in and day out, without resting or eating properly. He takes the necessary time to indulge in the best things in life so that he is better prepared for everything that comes his way. What are you doing for yourself in your self-care and well-being? Do one thing for yourself that makes you feel good this week.
7. Develop a Plan
It’s time to finalize your business, marketing and career plan for the year. Of course, this goes without saying but I’ve found some people having difficulty in this area. That’s okay, I’m here to assist. Simply email me for a free consultation to get you started. In addition to a full plan and establishing core values, as noted above; pinpoint one single word for this year that you will identify as your theme or montage for advancement of your success. Examples are: Discomfort, Transition, Shift, Peace, Just do it, Knowledge, Present, Action. This theme will be your guiding light.
8. Always Be Thinking 3 Steps Ahead
Business has often been compared to the game of chess because an entrepreneur should alway be thinking three steps ahead. You shouldn't only focus on whatever is happening at the present time. You should think ahead about what will happen three steps from the action you are going to take today. Rather than expecting one thing to be your winning ticket in the big entrepreneurial lottery, think long term and have a vision of where you want to be.