I wanted to write about how enrollment conversations pertain to you in three important ways: as it pertains to you personally, in your business, and spiritually.
Enrollment Conversations are Personal:
Having a conversation with someone when they are considering stepping boldly out of their comfort zone and going for their greatest dreams is one of the greatest privileges we have as a coach.
They are daring to become a better version of themselves. They are daring to create a better world for themselves and/or their families. That is a very vulnerable spot for someone to be in. And to have someone trust you enough to have a conversation about this is something that should never be taken lightly.
If you are in an enrollment conversation thinking "I hope they hire me", forget it! Don't even show up. Instead go into that conversation knowing how vulnerable it is for them to talk about their goals and desire for change. Go into that conversation knowing the level of trust it requires--that they trust you enough with something that is so important to them. As a coach, you have the opportunity to hold a vision for someone else when they are not able to hold it for themselves. After all, that is what great coaching is and that is what a great enrollment conversation is centered around. Take that privilege seriously. If they hire you, fine. If they do not hire you, leave them better than when you found them. Stand for them and hold that vision for them when they can't do it on their own yet.
Enrollment Conversations are About Business:
Enrollment conversations are NOT about "do you want to hire me as your coach?" They are about:
(1) Helping the person get extreme clarity on the negative impact of their current situation, as well as the positive impact of their desired situation.
(2) Making sure the person can articulate the VALUE of the results and can clearly see how coaching is the supporting tool that will help them complete their journey of transformation
(3) Their commitment. On a scale from 1 to 10 how committed is that person to going for their dreams and making them a reality? Clarity + Value + Commitment = New Client!
Enrollment Conversations are Spiritual:
Enrollment conversations are our spiritual playground for learning and practicing the art of detachment. When you make enrollment conversations about YOU and the new client you'll get, the revenue that will be generated, the growth of your business, etc.,it's all about the coach. When it is all about the coach, ATTACHMENT wins every time. You're attached to the outcome "or else you fail." But when you place your attention on the potential client, you can be fully of service to them and helping them to get to their solid “yes “or their solid “no”. When you can support someone in getting to THEIR best decision, you cultivate confidence in yourself and those around you.
Once you experience detachment you can begin to play in the paradox of simultaneously having the conversation be about your needs and desires AS WELL AS being of profound service to them.
How to answer, “So how does this work?”
During your enrollment conversation, how do you answer when your prospect asks the question, “So how does it work?”
The #1 mistake I see entrepreneurs make when answering this question is jumping straight into the logistics of their program or service.
Logistics don’t sell. The number of videos, or the number of coaching calls or hours of access they get with you do not sell. What sells is an assurance that you can help them achieve the outcome they desire.
The reason why diving into logistics is not effective as a way to enroll more clients is because it immediately switches your prospect into their head without effectively continuing to engage with their heart. Effective sales engages both head and heart.
The other reason why diving into logistics fails is because, if you do not watch yourself, this is where most entrepreneurs switch into “selling” mode. And done ineffectively, now you are trying to PROVE yourself to your prospect which just feels awful and changes the dynamic from YOU being the one pursued to you trying to convince them to join.
Eek. Don’t do that in your enrollment conversations.
The way I will walk a prospect through a presentation of the solution when answering the question, “So, how does it work?” is with a sales call structure that includes:
Review the high level goal that the prospect has.
Review the model of your solution as it relates to their specific challenges, pointing out how you fix the holes).
Walk them through the logistics based on the client journey. Do not list out every little thing in your program because you can overwhelm them and now you create an objection of time. Just walk them through what their journey will look like to achieve the outcome they are seeking, i.e. how will they know what to do once they start, how will they get support when they have questions?
Then discuss pricing. Relate it back to the cost of inaction and the benefit of the solution.
In my new program, I will walk you through the other mistakes most common in enrollment conversations and how to turn it around so that you enroll more clients easily and without switching into “selling” mode. Want to be a beta tester for it? APPLY HERE <<