Do you follow Gary Vaynerchuk (a.k.a. Gary Vee) on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? It seems like he is everywhere!
If you know what I’m talking about, you are daily served Gary’s optimism first, stop-your-whining-and-get-stuff-done attitude. And I totally admire that. I lap this stuff up. I eat right out of the palm of his hand each time he posts a video or quote.
His daily vlogs present his on-brand mantra of "Go, go, go… I’m on a plane to five different cities today and EVERYONE can survive on four hours of sleep like me! YOU GOTTA HUSTLE". Watch the following short video below to see Gary in action:
Now I love Gary Vee, but that is INTENSE! I have spent many years burning the candle at both ends and in the middle. What I learned is that what works for Gary Vee and his work/life strategies may not work for YOU.
Gary has said that while you are at home watching TV, he is out having a business meeting at 8:00 pm. He basically never stops.
Sure, Gary is someone to admire and look to for inspiration. But do you want to spend every waking moment focusing on your business? I used to be like that; however, I have recently found that I have had to trade the hustle for a slower pace to let the creativity take over and flow.
It’s okay to achieve success at your own pace.
Modelling other people is great, but at what cost? Sure, you can take inspiration from what they have done and try it for yourself, mix it up a little, take some bits from one person and some bobs from another. Just make it your own and find a daily ritual that works for you.
But, ultimately, strike a balance that works for you and also includes the ‘life’ part of work/life balance. Because as a creative, I need that down time to recharge. Try slowing the hustle a little and see what happens. I would love to hear how it turns out for you!
Following is what I learned from this:
Hold up. Do not feel guilty if you feel like a break and want to watch a trashy TV show or pore over the latest gossip magazine. The trick is to allow yourself these guilty pleasures. And really enjoy them. It is worse to feel bad while you are doing something ‘off the clock’ because you feel you SHOULD be working. Check your shoulds at the door and just be for an hour. Or a day. Or even a weekend.
Don’t procrastinate. Taking a break is definitely a must-do; however, if you are taking a break to avoid doing something, that is where the trouble starts. Do not stop doing what you need to because you find it difficult. If you are stuck on a task, google it. Phone a friend. Ask a Facebook group for help. It is time to focus and get your stuff done so you can enjoy yourself (and not be fretting or distracted by some business stuff) when you do take a break.
Find your own routine. Does it annoy you when you read articles that say,
Wake up at 5:00 am!
You can function on four hours of sleep!
Get more done!
Roll out of bed and head to the gym (Really? Like a Hollywood actor who has their own personal trainer and gym in the basement of their sprawling mansion? So easy!)
Yes, it makes me feel I won’t be successful if I don’t wake up at 5:00 am to go to the gym, drink that kale juice, and then work solid for 20 hours every darn day and never see loved ones. But you need to find a routine that works for you. You cannot model it entirely off someone else’s.
So while working 20 hours a day may work for someone like Gary, it may not be sustainable for you. And realize that is totally okay. Accept it and work within your limitations.
Even Richard Branson condones work and play. He encourages limiting screen time, how often you check emails and social media, and make time for loved ones and to exercise. He is also a big fan of ticking things off lists and waking up early (but he does say getting up at 5:00 am is not for everyone!). And so you are not stuck in a rut, following is some sage advice from Sir Richard:
No matter what your career goals are, try to do something different each day.
Let’s take it slow. Let’s embrace the hustle. But also, let’s embrace our lives outside of work.
Sometimes it is good to hustle. I have noticed that when I make choices from a place of self-esteem, self-worth, personal responsibility and a little bit of hustle, everything changes.
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