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Brought to you by Rachel Lavern LLC
Are you feeling overwhelmed by endless tasks? Sophix specializes in helping micro-entrepreneurs streamline business operations, leverage technology, and manage projects effectively. Discover how we can reignite your passion for your business.
Limiting chains that keep you playing small and imprisoned in fear in your business can be consciously released. Visualize them gracefully and easily dissolving into an infinite sea of love. Allow yourself to let your walls come down and invite your entire being to come out and play in an infinitely abundant new playground where the options are limitless! Allowyourself to be celebrated and blessed beyond measure. You can release the old stories, heal the wounds, experience wholeness and then create again. This is your option in every moment.
You can liken your energy to a radio signal. When you decide to turn the channel on your personal frequency, just like you would change a radio station dial, you get different music. It is like shifting your personal vibration that was previously set on unsuccessful to a successful vibration.
Many entrepreneurs get stuck on the same old station or signal called Lack and Limitation. Why not choose in this very moment to raise your frequency, and turn up the dial of your energetic signal to a place where you feel content and harmonious about love, success and wealth?
All of us decide whom and what we want to be. You do know that you can have exactly what you dream about? How? By creating a mindset that supports and assists you in making the kinds of choices that bring you towards the success you are seeking.
It does not have to be difficult. It can be a glorious adventure that you get to create one step at a time. Are you willing to choose to embrace what your heart is calling out to you to be? Your heart wants you to live out our true authentic self and not some made up story that is brought to you by the conditioning of your past or some current limiting belief. If you formed values as a result of childhood conditioning that are not serving you now, question and adjust those values. For example, take the child who is conditioned to believe that money is the root of all evil and selfless service is God-like behavior. This child will likely grow into an adult who resists having any more money than necessary and struggles financially all of her life. Questioning and challenging (and ultimately changing) such a value will create a greater sense of empowerment and purpose in her life, rather than blindly living by someone else’s values.
Make your dreams come true by never giving up. The only limits that exist are those that we impose upon ourselves. Most people have self-imposed limitations that prevent them from becoming successful. What they perceive as obstacles are only within their mind. Oftentimes, altering the smallest of things within their thinking would make a complete breakthrough possible.
Did you know that the massive power of the huge circus elephant is controlled by a tiny chain? These beautiful, giant creatures are only held to their stake in the ground by a tiny little chain that they could effortlessly breakaway from if it wasn’t for their thoughts or conditioning.
So many people conform to the power of their present results. Never settle for the limiting chains imposed upon you. Emotional chains are the most difficult chains to break. You are strong enough to break free, even if you accepted a long time ago that you were not.
You have something special to give to the world! Please do not deprive us of your gift.
Are you playing full out? Or is something holding you back – like a leash, reins, or limiting chains – keeping you from being the creative, flowing, and radiant being that you know yourself to be? Please leave a comment below.
Rachel Lavern helps service-based entrepreneurs simplify, strategize, and shine—keeping their sanity intact and their sparkle alive.