The biggest challenge for most entrepreneurs is they want clarity and answers RIGHT NOW! But like most great things in life, what you want will come from both inspired action and divine timing.
Saying NO to overwhelm and YES to inspired action isn't always easy. That's why I reached out to my amazing clients to ask what has worked for them in making them feel more focused and productive, particularly when we worked together in our mastermind:
1. If you're feeling overwhelmed with all the ideas, Lori loves keeping an idea notebook:
Keeping a notebook of ideas so I wouldn't forget them or get overwhelmed by feeling like I needed to do everything at once! It also was hugely helpful for me to do a deep dive intensive into the training which I know isn't available to everyone but I lived/breathed/ate the program for a while and it was so key to my implementation.
2. If you're feeling overwhelmed with what to implement first, I love Cynthia's advice to select ONE THING to implement at a time. I often recommend designing a highly profitably 1x1 offering FIRST, then adding more into your business mix:
Pick ONE thing to focus on. This is super hard for me because I want to do everything at once. The first time I went through CBD I got overload and didn't do anything. The next time, and the times that followed, I continue to choose that ONE thing that I want to work on and then go through the program with my eyes only for that. The first time I focused on my website. The second time, my "Pink Spoon". The third time, my signature program. This program is like a gold mine of information and the best part is, it's not going anywhere.
3. Catherine nails it when she shared to schedule time, keep moving through the content, and focus on progress--not perfection:
Definitely schedule time into your calendar for it because it's so worth the time. I found that going through it and doing all the exercises without focusing on perfection was helpful (not taking too long on any one module and not letting myself get stuck at any point). You can always go back to revisit various sections and make revisions as your business evolves.
4. Ebony found that you can't go wrong when you focus in on your Big Rocks first :
Overwhelm comes in waves. It ebbs and flows and is part of the growth process. I remind myself of this often, especially if the overwhelm is surging because it does subside too. And the most effective things that have helped me are scheduling time to work on my biz, prioritizing goal using Rachel's Big Rocks First approach, doing one thing MOST days of the week, and getting strategic help for those things that I always get stuck on (usually tech or systems things). And I will be the first to admit that building a biz, like parenting, is a great spiritual teacher of patience and perseverance--but SO worth it.
I recommend that you find your No. 1 focus for your business goals and make progress each and every week.
If your business is brand new, I recommend designing the right offering that solves the right problems for the right clients/customers.
If you've been in business for awhile but you don't have a steady baseline revenue coming into your business every month, I recommend fine-tuning your signature offering before attempting to create more offers. Without a plan for consistent cash flow, most entrepreneurs find themselves unable to get out of the the feast or famine cycle, even when they increase marketing. You can often stop the revenue roller coaster with the right offering at the right price point for the right clients.
If you've been in business with consistent clients and cashflow each month, you might be ready to layer on a new offering at a new price point. If this is you. congratulations! Keep in mind that as you start adding leveraged or passive revenue streams to your business, you'll still need optimize your 1x1 offerings to provide that solid baseline revenue.
My goal for you is that you wrap up this quarter with an amazing signature offering – for the right clients and at the right price point -- that allows you to have that solid baseline revenue coming into your business each and every month.